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Reference number: 6826

Date: 1983

Director: d. Eddie McConnell

Sponsor: Channel Four Television Co. Ltd.

Production company: International Film Associates (Scotland) Ltd.

Sound: sound

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 15.11 mins

Description: Images of lighthouses with eerie, otherworldly synthesiser music - no speech in the film apart from the shipping forecast. Shows the lighthouse keeper activating the mechanism of the lighthouse. Its mechanical innards are also seen and several examples of lighthouses are presented.

Soundscape by acclaimed Scottish composer and pioneer of electronic music in the UK and beyond, Janet Beat. Find out more: [last accessed 09/07/2020]

Credits: sc. Eddie McConnell
ed. Fiona MacDoanld
p. manager Terry Dalzell
music composed by Janet Beat
Thanks to the Northern Lighthouse Board

Shotlist: Title (0.11) man and boy walk into lighthouse, pan to top (0.33) ints lighthouse man setting up, pan of view from top; shot of bulb and surrounding countryside reflected in the light's parabolic mirrors (2.47) c/u of machinery working to turn the beam of light (3.00) gvs light working at night (3.28) Aerial tracking shot of lighthouse (4.19) shot of children playing, pan up over lighthouse (4.40) ints. light in a revolving glass parabolic reflector; c/u bulb (6.57) Aerial tracking shot of lighthouse, intercut with c/u feet climbing stairs (7.49) c/u brass plaque naming designer and contractors who constructed lamp "1902" (7.58) gvs working parts of light mechanism, and glass reflectors (8.32) pan up lighthouse (8.49) boy and father wait by a desk (8.58) shot of calm sea, fade into grassy hill, pan to lighthouse in mist (10.08) Shot of metal structure on sea, bearing 'BP' marque (10.21) c/u lamp flickering (10.27) Aerial tracking shots towards coast and lighthouse (11.37) boats on water near BP structure intercut with working parts of lighthouse, and shots of flotsam (13.34) zoom out boats on sea from the lighthouse (13.53) c/u top of lighthouse tower (14.05) ecs (14.35)