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Reference number: 6661

Date: 1924 - 1925c

Director: filmed by Waverley Amateur Cine Club

Sound: silent

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 8.20 minsc

Description: Footage from 1920's of London, Princes Street in Edinburgh, charabanc outing and countryside scenery.

Shotlist: Pan London large square in 1920's, busy with trams, horse drawn carts. People on streets. Trolley buses, sign on back of one Camden Town Sth. Gvs traffic. Tracking shot down Thames, docks, river traffic. Approaching tower bridge. Blank. Scenery. Large amount of well dressed older men in charabanc. Charabancs set off. Street scene. Trams on Princes street, in front of Scott Monument, busy with pedestrians. Tracking shot from vehicle, passengers wave at charabanc full of men. At least six charabancs set off. Scenery. Men on street. Crowd posing for photos. Scenery. Gvs filming in room, Club production. Soldiers loading van before moving off --- and so the Army moves off to make way for a more peaceful occupation.