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Reference number: 6565

Date: 1968

Sound: sound

Original format: std. 8mm

Colour: col

Fiction: fiction

Running time: 3.45 mins

Description: Small boy - the William of the title - causes havoc whilst at picnic on lochside.

Credits: featuring William Gibson
A joint production by Hawick Film Society and Edinburgh Cine Society - June 1968.

Shotlist: [shotlisted from speed corrected VHS copy, manual control track]

title (0.00.05) small boy in 'NHS' glasses appears from behind title card. C/u face. (0.00.08) Featuring William Gibson (0.00.13) Small boy laden with camping equipment, picnic blanket and utensils in the countryside. He walks down a hill away from a car. (0.00.31) Boy drops his luggage and collapses in a heap at a campsite. (0.00.35) Erects the tent. (0.00.52) William runs to grab football from a toddler, kicks it onto nearby campers table. William runs to hide in his tent. (0.00.16) William appears in trunks to play in loch, splashing people reading nearby. (0.01.43) Skimming stones with other children, William splashes another child in a dinghy. (0.01.59) Peeking into other caravans. (0.02.14) He runs past women washing up and knocks a water basin onto a man sunbathing. (0.02.22) William throws a tent pole as a javelin, cut to an injured man hit by the pole. William runs away in horror. (0.02.38) William steals a fishing rod from a caravan. Fishes at the loch, casts line behind him, hooks a car and pulls it toward the loch. (0.03.15) Car owner runs to save his car. (0.03.18) Crowd of people join him shaking fists and chasing William out of the camp. (0.03.40) A joint production by Hawick Film Group and Edinburgh Cine Society June 1968. (0.03.42) C/u William. (0.03.45) End