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Reference number: 6094

Date: 1975c

Sound: silent

Original format: super 8mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 3.23 mins

Description: Home movie of family party during the Christmas or New Year festivities. Large number of people of all ages laugh, drink and joke as they celebrate together in their home.

Shotlist: [shotlist retimed from speed corrected tape, manual control track]

[no title or credits] two young children jumping up and down, laughing and shaking about in their excitement (0.36) gvs family and friends crowded together in their home, drinking and laughing, generally celebrating. Christmas tree in background, the table is littered with bottles of alcohol, soft drinks, decorations and food (1.43) A man pretends to drink from baby's bottle; c/u baby in mother's arms; shots of children and older relations playing to camera; general views people celebrating with family and friends (3.23)