YOUR DUNDEE: The Millennium Dundee on Film Project

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Video 2

Celebration of Diwali by the Hindu community in Dundee at the millennium. (clip - full length available onsite)

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Title: YOUR DUNDEE: The Millennium Dundee on Film Project

Reference number: 5971

Date: 2000

Director: d. Glenn Millar, Robert Page

Sponsor: Tay Charitable Trust ; Dundee City Council ; Millennium Commission Lottery Project ; Scottish Screen ; Millennium Festival

Production company: Dundee Contemporary Arts

Sound: sound

Original format: Betacam SP

Colour: bwcol

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 105.53 mins

Description: A comprehensive and diverse record of the City of Dundee in the year 2000. The film captures local events such as the Hilltown Fun Day and the celebration of Diwali by the Hindu community, records the vital work of the scientific community in Dundee, and showcases the work of youth groups and collaborative work in the arts and education across the city. Interspersed with people from all generations and areas of society voicing their opinions on the city in which they live and work, the film provides an excellent record of the social, economic and cultural state of the city at the millennium.

Shotlist: [shotlisted manually from VHS copy - no timecode]

title ; Ardeva vs harpist, superimposed over images of Dundee [some in negative], with spoken word recited over images (00.03.28) [credits] (00.03.39) Information Screen, depicting the origins of Dundee, discussion of Castle Street and Saint Paul's Cathedral (00.04.47) Information Screen, depicting King Edward attacking Dundee in 1303 (00.05.23) talking head, Ian Flett, Dundee City Archivist (00.05.30) Information Screen about William Wallace (00.05.44) [credits] (00.05.50) talking head, Stewart Ivans, on the difference between South West Scotland (Dumfries) and the North East (Dundee), and the fact that Dundonians 'refuse to be impressed by anything!' (00.06.31) [credits] (00.06.37) Hilltown Fun Day shot of train pulling in to Dundee railway station, people disembark train and climb stairs 00.07.16) exts Hilton Hotel and view over Dundee from bridge across main road (00.07.20) girls get into taxi and are taken to Hilltown area of Dundee, they pass a Dundee Pie Shop en route (00.07.53) gvs local band and parade, featuring music, bagpipes, drums, majorettes, clowns (00.08.43) gvs marching band from H.M.S. Arbroath (00.09.00) shot of balloons being let off into (very overcast!) sky (00.09.09) the opening ceremony of the 5th Hilltown Funday ; shot of bagpiper (00.09.47) shot of Chinese dragon (00.10.17) c/u Radio Tay van and DJ starting the show (00.10.38) montage of scenes from the funday featuring kids, fairground rides etc (00.11.53) shot of French girl ordering ice-cream from ice-cream van (00.12.25) gvs food tasting tent, with Indian food being served (00.13.48) montage of the various stalls, an artist drawing a cartoon (00.14.58) shot of the French girls leaving, happily cheering in support of the Funday (00.16.09) [credits] (00.16.19) Information Screen about the 'pea buster' invented by Edward de Gernier, shot of fish and chip shop where a 'pea buster' is served (00.16.53) [credits] (00.17.00) talking head, Kevin Hollinshead, on subject of there being too many shopping centres and high rates in Dundee, his general hobbies (00.18.37) [credits] (00.18.45) CITY FOR SALE: Shopping in the Year 2000; This film was made by children during a week long workshop exts Dundee bus station and buses there (00.19.10) i/v with young man about why he likes shopping in Dundee; i/v with elderly man who likes the friendliness of Dundee, Overgate Centre and its attractiveness to tourists (00.21.11) exts Wellgate shopping centre (00.21.15) i/v with woman saying she thinks Dundee has too many shops (00.21.31) gvs streets of Dundee filled with shoppers (00.21.44) i/v with young woman about why the new Overgate Centre was required (00.22.23) pan across City Centre to H.Samuel, intercut with b&w archive footage of same (00.22.34) view over Town Square (00.22.48) exts new Overgate shopping centre (00.23.03) i/v with woman about her favourite shops (00.23.40) ints Overgate Centre mall (00.23.47) two men (one in wheelchair) discuss the Overgate and its accessibility for people with disabilities (00.24.14) ints Overgate Centre (00.24.25) i/v with woman who works in Overgate, says it has brought more people in from outwith the area (00.24.57) ints mall (00.25.21) [credits] (00.25.32) Dundee Music Workshop c/u man 'Fast Eddie' playing harmonica and singing the blues (00.26.43) group of children at the Dundee Music Workshop cheer to camera (00.26.47) i/v two young boys from the St. Columbus Youth Group on why they like coming to Dundee Music Workshop (00.27.14) ints crowded corridors at the Dundee Music Workshop (00.27.40) ints girls doing disco dance routine (00.28.42) boy talks about how he enjoys singing (00.29.10) i/v girl, why she enjoys the workshop (0.29.18) ints girls singing in recording studio, i/v about their hopes for the future (00.30.20) i/v with boy, talks about learning keyboard (00.30.37) gvs children practising keyboards (00.31.08) boy talks about the tricks he's learned on keyboard (00.31.14) ints corridor (00.31.24) gvs drumming ensemble, intercut with man juggling [visual effects] (00.32.34) shot of turntable decks taken from above (00.32.36) two boys talk about their DJ music, intercut with shots of them playing records and mixing (00.33.24) four girls talk about Dundee Music Workshop (00.34.26) Bobby Clark plays guitar and sings (00.36.51) he is interviewed about where he sees Dundee Music Workship going in the future (00.37.47) girls run to camera (00.38.17) Alistair talks about how he was in the newspaper (00.38.56) and how he writes poems - he recites 'I am a Ladybird' (00.39.34) [credits] (00.39.46) Billy Said: A Tribute to Billy McKenzie gvs music video and song (00.43.26) [credits] (00.43.33) talking head, Dylon Drummond, saying 'Lawhill, so good they named it twice' (00.43.38) [credits] (00.43.50) talking head, Daryl Smith; he thinks Dundee should have skatepark (00.44.39) [credits] (0.44.45) Soundbase: Mixing It The Urban Dance Company and Soundbase present..... gvs live performance of same featuring skating, dance and music (00.49.55) [credits] (00.50.07) Information Screen about General Monk laying seige to City of Dundee in 1651 and subsequent massacre (00.51.01) [credits] (00.51.08) Staying Alive people arriving at the Saint Columba Youth Group's performance of 'Staying Alive' and gvs some of performance (00.52.52) i/v with man (00.53.01) gvs girls dancing (00.53.56) i/v, talking about possible expansion and the Group's involvement with Dundee Summer in the City 2000 (00.54.10) gvs performance of 'Staying Alive' in Town Square, (includes brief shot of television personality Lorraine Kelly) (00.55.41) i/v about the voluntary nature of the youth club (00.56.35) gvs performance of 'Staying Alive' (00.56.52) [credits] (00.57.01) talking head, Jackie Handy, on subject of Dundee Cake (00.57.46) [credits] (00.57.53) [blank] Ab Imo Pectore (From the Heart) artistic gvs Dundee skyline with birds silhouetted against sunset (00.59.58) [credits] (01.00.11) talking head, Suzanne Zeedyk, on a conference organised in Dundee and how Dundee is a dynamic place (01.00.57) [credits] (01.01.04) talking head, Lou Boardman, talking about the lack of buses in Dundee, safety issues, the fact there are lots of nationalities in Dundee being a good thing (01.02.01) [credits] (01.02.07) Information Screen on Dr. Jaini Saggar, highly regarded medical practitioner and councillor in Dundee (01.03.03) [credits] (01.03.09) DIWALI: The Festival of Light call to prayer (01.04.01) gvs music and song, bells, people making donations and quietly praying (01.06.15) man makes a speech (01.06.48) candles are burnt and people pray for peace in the year to come (01.07.46) gvs children celebrating with firecrackers (01.08.12) gvs special meal being cooked and served (01.09.01) girls change out of special shoes into more practical ones (01.09.20) shot of sky at sunset (01.09.31) [credits] (01.09.44) talking head, Dundee City Archivist Ian Flett, on the 3 J's (Jute, Jam and Journalism) being a misrepresentation of Dundee (01.11.38) [credits] (01.11.44) talking head, Anne Thomson, on the problems faced being deaf when she took an interpreter to the doctor (01.12.35)[credits] (01.12.43) Helios: Biotechnology in Dundee opening sequence montage, featuring words blasting out on screen (01.13.35) exts Wellcome Trust Biocentre, University of Dundee, (01.14.08) i/v Professor Sir Philip Cohen, Director of the MRC Protein Phosphorylation Unit about the work into causes of many diseases (01.14.53) ints laboratory and people doing research work (01.15.22) i/v Professor Cohen, talking about his work into cell regulation (01.16.02) i/v Dr. Dario Alessi, Group Leader MBC Protein Phosphorylation Unit talking about his work , intercut with shot of him walking down corridor (01.16.44) c/u diagrams and photographic stills about diabetes, explanatory commentary given (01.17.16) c/u research in laboratory (01.17.54) i/v Dr. Alessi (01.18.55) i/v with scientists, including PhD students from Basque country, Argentina, Hungary (01.19.55) i/v Professor Cohen (01.20.38) exts Ninewells Hospital (01.20.44) i/v Professor David Lane, Professor of Molecular Oncology about his work on cancer cures (01.21.22) c/u diagrams of P53 cell, more diagrams and explanatory commentary (01.22.28) various c/u laboratory and i/v with Professor Lane (01.23.33) i/v Professor Sir Alfred Cuschieri, Head of the Ninewells Surgical Skills Unit, Dundee (01.23.59) ints tutorial where students watch video of keyhole surgery techniques (01.24.08) gvs keyhole surgery practice and students in learning environment (01.24.43) foyer and exts Ninewells Hospital (01.25.08) i/v Prof. Cuschieri (1.25.29) ints laboratory and i/v with Prof. Lane on cancer (01.26.08) montage of scenes featuring scientists, hospital etc (01.26.59) i/v Prof. Lane (01.28.53) closing sequence featuring words blasting out on screen (01.29.22) [credits] (01.29.34) talking head, Eleann Ballantyne, her opinions on Dundee (01.30.18) [credits] (01.30.26) Dundee Views b&w archive film of Dundee (01.30.56) tracking shot over Tay Bridge (01.31.36) view from Law, at various times of the day (01.31.53) various people give their views about Dundee, intercut with views of the city (01.32.12) exts Dundee Contemporary Arts (01.32.16) ints DCA (01.32.22) woman gives negative view of Dundee (01.32.42) positive views of young man (01.33.10) ints fish and chip shop intercut with shopping centre etc (01.33.44) shot of child (01.33.51) older man speaks of the old days, intercut with b&w film (01.34.28) various i/v (01.35.15) homeless man talks about lack of work (01.35.36) taxi ints talks about lazy unemployed (01.35.47) i/v about unemployment (01.36.06) i/v with woman about the bad press Dundee used to get in tourist guides (01.36.38) young man refutes the 'hard man' image of Dundee (01.37.05) man expressing there is no culture in Dundee (01.37.25) taxi driver again, talking about theatre (01.37.53) gvs Dundee (01.38.20) i/v man talking about hobbies; various other people give opinions (01.38.57) taxi driver again, describing the different geographical areas in Dundee and how people have definite identities (01.39.57) older lady talks about memories from childhood, strikes, intercut with b&w footage (01.40.31) man talks about the lost industries in Dundee, such as shipbuilding (01.40.55) women discuss safety issues (01.41.22) taxi driver again, discussing drunk people in his cab (01.41.30) elderly man talking about the younger generation (01.41.42) older man talking about the policemen of the past (01.42.37) Ian Flett , Dundee City Archivist describes the fall in population as a good thing, intercut with speeded up film of Dundee (01.43.28) shot of man expressing his opinion 'I'm just proud to be a Dundonian' (01.43.36) [credits] (01.43.48) ecs (01.45.53)