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Reference number: 4189

Date: 1967c

Director: d. Phillip Casson

Producer: Mike Wooller, Arnold Bulka

Production company: Granada

Sound: sound

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 35 mins

Description: A survey as a result of the "crash crisis" of July 20th, broadcast on Granada Television.

Credits: introduced by Nicholas Harman, with Bill Grundy and Brian Inglis des. Colin Rees, ed. Don Kelly research Jo Durden-Smith, Tim Thomas

Shotlist: Brief shots of football match with large crowd, camera c/u of one Celtic supporter who is unemployed (.47) shots of him and other unemployed men from the BMC factory,at Bathgate, at the labour exchange (1.20) panning shot of new vehicles parked outside the BMC factory (1.42) one of the men is interviewed at home with his wife and children, talking about what it is like being unemployed (2.45) Nicholas Harman from 'The Economist', Bill Grundy and Brian Inglis, in the studio of "The State of the Nation" talking about the government's economic 'squeeze' policy of Mr Wilson, and the productivity of different European countries, (7.22) shots of Fairfields shipyard, shot of industrialist Ian Stewart making a speech to workers at the yard, asking for a vote of confidence in his plan to bridge gap between management and workers, new work methods, higher productivity, shot of men raising hands in agreement (8.19) shots of work in progress at the yard (9.04) shot of managing director, arriving at the yard in his car (9.13) management in yard discussing progress of work (10.24) shots of men taking a tea break and talking head (brief) of one of workers (10.50) shot of crane with "Fairfield" sign (10.57) talking head Alex McGuinness, a union official, and shots of meeting between management, foreman and shop steward talking about courses for the workforce (12.16) shots of Fairfield workers studying at the Trades Union College, Esher, Surrey to learn about the management's new ideas for re-organising the shipyard (13.30) shots of work at the yard with manager using stop watch (14.15) talking head general manager, talking about cost saving techniques, talking head worker about higher productivity (15.04) shots of work on the shop floor showing how three men used to do the work of what one retrained worker could do under the new more fluid work strategies employed, with shot of welder at work (15.49) talking head general manager (16.10) in the State of the Nation studio discussing the differences in productivity between USA, Sweden and Britain and Mr Wilson's plans to counterbalance overmanning in Britain's industries, discussing introduction of unemployment benefits related to earnings, redundancy payments scheme, selective employment tax and the industrial training act (18.08) shots of government re-training centre at Queenslie, near Glasgow with men being given training in brick laying, joinery and hairdressing (19.20) description of the Swedish system for re-training unemployed workers (22.03) in the studio with discussion on Britain's lack of investment in industry and interview of Mr Sebastien de Ferranti, chairman and managing director of Ferranti commenting on this "State of the Nation" survey and Minister for Labour, the Rt. Hon. Ray Gunter talking about the government's policy on re-training unemployed (34.47) ecs (34.58)