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Reference number: 3963

Date: 1963c

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 24.44 mins

Description: Scottish Tool Manufacturing Co. Many shots of the factory floor with the machines being operated [mute, trims]

Credits: The story of Scottish Tool Design (Glasgow) Ltd; Precision Metal Fabrications (Glasgow) Ltd; Scottish Tool Manufacturing Co. Ltd (Kilmarnock). Filmed with the co-operation of the Scottish Film Council Industrial Panel.
sd. rec. Park Film Studios Ltd.
comm.s. Bill Jack
ph. and ed. R.B. Macluskie & J.S. Thomson

Shotlist: [Mostly runs at 24fps. Second part runs at 16fps for a while then back to 24fps]

[pos] Men loading two upstanding pieces of machinery (H - Stand?) onto a truck. Men wearing white lab coats (1.58) [overexposed] Shot inside a factory with people working on various pieces of machinery (2.20) [blank] (2.38) gvs people at work on various machines (5.15) [blank] (5.16) repeated c/u dart board (5.50) gvs of machines in a factory, extreme c/u of drill bit going into metal (6.38) women at work in office, secretarial duties (6.49) c/u precision measurement equipment (7.00) [blank] (7.06) c/u precision metalwork (9.30) [blank] ints drawings office (10.20) gvs precision metalwork (11.34) mix of shots, unedited, with flash frames frequently] metalwork, machinery, drawing office (13.42) (14.47) Workers standing outside factory, sign on door - SCOTTISH TOOL MANUFACTURING CO. LTD. (15.20) c/u precision metalwork (16.00) the 'H' stand is loaded onto truck (16.14) [Spacer ](16.35) Workers on factory floor working with machinery (17.32) vans driving out of factory yard and onto road, van with sign on it :-SCOTTISH TOOL DESIGN (Glasgow) Ltd. Howard Street, Glasgow , van reversed into lane (18.05); men unloading van (18.22); gvs of factory workers working with machinery and metals (19.26); scale drawing of building (19.39); Shot of building with ladders leaning against it, cart, car driving down road (19.53); gvs of factory workers working with machinery (21.55); aerial view of canteen, men leaving canteen (22.05); women, cooks in aprons serving tea (dinner - beans, chips, black pudding, etc.) workers leave canteen (24.40)