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Title: st. peter'S COLLEGE, CARDROSS

Reference number: 3961

Date: 1963*

Production company: Scottish Catholic Institute Film

Sound: sound

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 21.15 mins

Description: Amateur documentary about st. peter's College, Cardross, showing varied exteriors of the newly built modernist building, also details of interiors, devotional areas and the chapel in use, possibly to celebrate the opening of the seminary.

See also ref 3071

Credits: p. Lawrence Russell

Shotlist: Opening credits. (0.32); shot of filming equipment, camera, light measure etc. (0.45); tracking shot of a street at night decorated with Christmas lights, Perth? (1.13); a car pulling up outside a house, the man asks for directions and the boy from the house points in the direction, the man drives away (2.00); exts. of st. peter's College buildings at night (2.49); shots of Kilmahew House; men demolishing small part of the building using drills and hammers (3.39); "Modern Buildings Ltd." digger being operated (4.04); men working in a trench (4.09); gvs of construction work and construction site; pan over partly complete concrete structure [possibly the new college?] (4.57); hand turning the date on the calendar from August 6th to August 13th; superimposed on image of moving pendulum (5.06); sunset (5.13); shot of field with Kilmahew House (?) in background (5.20); exts. of st. peter's College from various angles and levels (6.38); ints. of college (6.46); Seminarians sweeping and polishing floor (7.23); exts. of college (7.33); College kitchen, Nuns preparing food (9.00); gvs of college and college grounds (9.32); pan from ceiling to floor inside college Chapel, shots of the altar and cross; gvs of Church showing places of prayer, lighting and structure of the building, seating area (10.58); Priest carrying book and lectern, c/u statue female saint; c/u of scripture and statues (11.26); carved stones showing coat of arms with mitre (11.42); Priests, Bishops and lay people chatting (13.24); exts. of college, landscape (13.32); Priest placing candles beside a statue of st Andrew (13.49); c/u of statue, c/u of bible, lighting candle (14.03); Ceremonially dressed clergy walking in procession enter the chapel (14.30); gvs of ceremony, conducted facing congregation, intercut with shots congregation of clergy and lay persons (15.30); c/u smouldering bonfire (15.50); various views of the ext. of Kilmahew house (16.16); gvs of service, intercut with c/u young men's faces; procession out of the Chapel (19.17); c/u of Crucifix on the wall (19.22); ext of college at night time (19.43); int. of college, dining room, chapel etc. (20.18); shot of the roof of the college (20.22); landscape views (20.45); THE END (20.53)