THERE'S FUN IN SEWING: An Experiment in Primary Education

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Title: THERE'S FUN IN SEWING: An Experiment in Primary Education

Reference number: 3870

Date: 1961 *

Sponsor: Educational Films of Scotland

Production company: John Baird

Sound: sound

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 10.30 mins

Description: Sewing classes at Calder Primary School, Motherwell. Youngest children start by making dolls from clothes pegs, pipe cleaners and wire, and dress them, using glue to stick materials together. As ability increases they sew and knit clothes. They make improved figures using clay, papier-mâché or carving wood for heads for hand puppets.

Produced with the co-operation of the Scottish Education Department and staff and pupils of Calder Primary School, Motherwell. These classes represent a new approach to the teaching of sewing in schools.

Credits: nar. Tom Smith
titles Margt. Humphries

Shotlist: Title (0.12) gvs primary school children at sewing class (1.14) pupil makes a model figure from clothes peg, pipe cleaner and cloth, followed by shots of many similar model figures on display (3.45) pupil at desk makes larger model figure from cloth (4.29) gvs sewing class, the children are making dolls, the works are displayed (6.01) pupils working with clay (6.39) talking heads (pupils) followed by shots of children's craftworks (8.30) older pupil carving wood into doll's head, while another finishes off clothing for doll (9.03) Punch and Judy show in the school using the puppets the children made (9.21) class shown at craftwork classes (10.09) the end (10.12) ecs (10.30)