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Reference number: 3804

Date: 1965

Director: [filmed by Frank Marshall]

Sound: sound

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: fiction

Running time: 10.37 mins

Description: Short humorous film of four children who find a way to slip into a toy shop at night, while their father fetches petrol — never suspecting their escapade. Interiors of the shop include a number of recognisable brands, including Corgi, Dinky, Tri-ang and Scalextric.

Prize-winner at 1965 Scottish Amateur Film Festival.

Credits: cast Nairn Marshall, Susan & Roy Lewis, Caroline & Frank Marshall.
electricians W. Murdoch & J.Marshall.
background m. Frank Olsen

Shotlist: SURPRISE IN STORE (0.07) Opening credits (0.20) Street scene at night, in Glasgow city centre during Christmas time; man looks at an empty petrol gauge; shot of toy store [Wylie Hills on Buchanan Street]; father goes to buy petrol, leaving children in the back of his car (0.50) ints. toy store; shot older and younger man, electricians working after closing time (0.50) Children leave car and peer into the window of toy shop, intercut with younger man leaving (1.45) younger electrician leaves the toy store by the front door, leaving the shutter slightly ajar; the children sneak into the store (1.54) Older electrician drinking a cup of tea inside (2.04) Children run about store and play with toys, intercut with older man falling asleep as he reads his newspaper (2.48) Policeman closes car door (3.01) Children playing, boys in toy cars, girls blowing bubbles (3.18) exts. younger man returns to the shop with a bag of chips (3.23) children playing again (3.51) ints. older man starting from his sleep (3.55) more shots of children at play (4.05) ms father crossing at pelican crossing (4.17) children try on roller skates (5.24) man going back into store (5.29) Shot of petrol station (5.32) older man is woken a second time by the younger man returning with his chips; older man tries on Santa Claus robe (6.06) shots of children playing with toys, dolls, prams, aeroplanes; boys play with an oversized Scalextric set with the sign "Please Do Not Touch" (7.04) ms father leaves Esso petrol station (7.08) Children at play (7.35) father hurries back with petrol (7.37) playing again and shots of dolls and gollies ,Native American doll banging on drum (8.07) older man goes to investigate the noise; children hide; man finds the toy, appears delighted with it; younger man finds him playing with the drumming doll; Children sneak out of store (9.45) father walking down street with petrol can (9.51) Children return to car (9.59) older man takes off his Santa coat (10.03) father returns to car and fills the tank (10.12) Car drives away against background of Christmas lights (10.22) Policeman blows his whistle (10.26) [THE END] (10.37)