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Title: KH-4

Reference number: 3631

Date: 1960s

Director: d. Jon Schorstein

Production company: Smith - Schorstein

Sound: sound

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: fiction

Running time: 12.41 mins

Description: A strange film about a Glasgow artist (played by a young Bill Forsyth) who uses the city as a source of inspiration. As he wanders the streets, the ongoing demolition process causes a disintegration of his ideas which are subsequently expressed in a depressing canvas.

The title of the film KH-4 refers to the name of the German film stock that the film was originally shot on.

Credits: The Artist Bill Forsyth

camera David Lewis
sd. Alec Brown
m. Iain McHaffie, Bobby Wishart , George McGowan
art Allan Shields
production facilities IFA (Scotland) Ltd.

Shotlist: title credit(0.06) a Glasgow artist who uses the city as a source of inspiration juxtaposing images of tenement destruction with modern high rise flats and motorway construction along with c/u's of people on the streets. As he wanders the streets, the ongoing demolition process causes a disintegration of his ideas which are subsequently expressed in a depressing canvas(12.03) ecs(12.41)