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Reference number: 2512

Date: 1967c

Production company: Educational Films of Scotland

Sound: sound

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 11.59 mins

Description: Life on Hapland Dairy Farm near Dunlop, Ayrshire. The day-to-day and season-to-season cycle of work of a dairy farmer.

Shotlist: Credits (0.01) gvs farm and farmyard in Ayrshire (0.56) gvs Ayrshire cattle in fields (2.01) gvs farmer collecting eggs and farmer's wife selling a basket of eggs (2.50) gvs newly born calf (3.18) shots of harvesting hay using tractors and a baler (4.35) shots of farmers loading hay bales onto tractor, and stacking bales in shed (5.38) gvs shepherding cattle to milking (6.29) gvs cows being miled by milking machines (7.44) shots of milk being cooled in cooling machine (8.22) shots of milk churns being loaded onto lorry and shots of lorry driving to Ayrshire Farmers' Dairy Co. in Glasgow (8.55) shot of a boy delivering milk in Glasgow (9.17) shot of a field of oats, cut and drying (9.39) shots of harvesting root crops (10.09) shot of shepherding cheviot sheep (10.28) gvs farmer delivering bags of cattle cake to the farm (11.09) gvs farmer doing his accounts (11.59)