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Reference number: 21249

Date: 1979, October 8 - 12

Sponsor: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar; Scottish Film Council; Gulbenkian Foundation; Highlands and Islands Development Board

Production company: Cinema Sgire Project

Sound: sound

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 15.55 mins

Description: Stornoway Mòd October 1979.

Original tape label title: ''Mod Programme (One)'' See also ref. 21254

This video was digitised with support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig and The Gaelic Language Promotion Trust.

The Cinema Sgìre Project was a community project set up by Comhairle nan Eilean in 1977 - 1981 and was largely supported by the Scottish Film Council (a forerunner of the Moving Image Archive), the Gulbenkian Foundation and the Highlands and Islands Development Board. The Project operated throughout the Uists and Barra. In addition to the operation of a mobile cinema the Project also recorded everyday life in the islands.

Cinema Sgire was a community project using early video technology. Any inherent defects such as signal loss, drop-out, visual / audio disturbances, interruptions or incompleteness will be present in the recording.


ed. Cinema Sgire

Shotlist: Shots of Barra plane on beach, with waulking song sung over it. Intertitle reads MÒD NAN EILEAN AN DAMHAIR 1979, 8-12th. Plane takes off from beach. Image of Castlebay. Image and sound lost temporarily then returns to shots of plane on beach and the whole intro is repeated. Then intertitle reads INTRODUCED BY FLORA ANN NICNEILL D.P. MAC 'ILLEATHAIN. The Stornoway Mòd for Flora Ann began on board the ferry the Columba with the singing of Ella Campbell and Mary MacInnes from Daliburgh. Cut to them singing An Ataireachd Àrd in harmony. Schoolchildren from Iochdar were also on the ferry - cut from the play on tape A3012/89. Next is the winning school choir from Inverness singing a medley of puirt-a-beul. This is followed by a conversation with Annie MacSween from Comunn Eachdraidh Nis (Ness Historical Society) about their work. She has a few items with her and one of them is a whip which was stolen by a boy who then emigrated to America and then sent the whip back to Ness with a request for a memorial for those who suffered from corporal punishment in schools. There is a picture of an old man sitting down, and old man from Hàbost who walked all the way to Stornoway aged 88 to get his photo taken. He was apparently very good at making whisky and would hide it from the gaugers. Cut to another childrens' choir from Rockfield School in Oban singing Bean a' Chòtan Ruadh. Intertitle reads PRODUCTION MICHEAL RUSSELL, FLORA ANN NICNEILL, DP MAC ILLEATHAIN, KATHLEEN NICASGAIL, over an excerpt of the second play in A3012/89. End title reads EDITING BY CINEMA SGIRE. Tape finishes at 00:15:55 and runs blank to the end [00:18:10].