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Reference number: 1886

Date: 1951

Director: filmed by Charles McKenzie

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 10.57 mins

Description: A group of young people on a cycling holiday in Scotland, staying in various youth hostels. They visit Dunblane, Doune and Callander, climb Ben A'an, walk in Glen Finglas and cycle across the Duke's Pass.

See also ref. 7207

Shotlist: Credits (.22); A group of boys and girls go on a cycling holiday in Scotland staying in various youth hostels. Shots include cycling through Dalmeny, Queensferry, Clackmannan and stopping at Dunblane youth hostel. They play games with the warden of the hostel, cycle to Creag Dhu, Doune, Callander. Shots of the group climbing Ben A'an and coming down again, boating on Loch Achray. Walking in Glen Finglas, cycling across the Duke's Pass and returning home (10.57)