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Reference number: 1516

Date: 1953

Director: [filmed by James S. Nairn ]

Sponsor: [ Playhouse, Inverness]

Sound: mute

Original format: 35mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 8.44 mins

Description: On Sunday 31st of May, a parade of Youth Organisations headed by pipebands marched through the streets of Inverness to celebrate Coronation Day.

Shotlist: [Please note this is full version with captions]

On Sunday 31st May a parade of youth organisations took place in the East Church exts Church and street. Youth groups, including Guides and Scouts parade up street and to Church entrance (1.26) crowds look on, some youth groups line up in preparation to take their turn in the parade (1.52) CORONATION DAY Tuesday 2nd June. From the Old High Church the parade proceeds to the municipal buildings where the salute was taken by the senior magistrate dignitaries, military men and ministers in formal dress walk from Church grounds, and along street to Municipal buildings (3.07) pipe band marches along street followed by gvs parade (4.06) members of parade assemble in town square where they stand to attention and are inspected. Speeches are made, crowds look on (5.39) parade resumes, gvs (6.52) After the parade the Royal Toast was pledged in the Town Hall ints same. thengvs people socialising over a drink (8.08) Fireworks & Bonfires finished off the day gvs same (8.25)