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Reference number: 11285

Date: 2000, May 31

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: fiction

Running time: 124.15 mins

Description: A dress rehearsal of Robert North's 'Romeo and Juliet', performed by Scottish Ballet in the Theatre Royal, Glasgow. The lead roles are danced by guest artists Mia Johannson and Adam Cooper.

On-screen text indicates that this performance is a dress rehearsal recorded at the Theatre Royal in Glasgow. There is a full orchestra, and audience clapping can be heard at the curtain call. The Scottish Theatre Archive holds material relating to this production: Romeo and Juliet, Scottish Ballet tour, 2000 June 1 - October 14. Programme. Call number STA SB 711/48.

The well-known story of Romeo and Juliet tells the tale of two young people whose chance of love and happiness is destroyed by the bitter feuding of their families (ended only by the lovers’ death) and unhappy twists of fate.

See also refs. 11276, 11283 and 11284

North was the artistic director of Scottish Ballet at this time. His version of Shakespeare's tragedy was first choreographed for Geneva Ballet in 1990.

'For this he used Serge Prokofiev's famous score but included narrative detail not used by either Shakespeare in his original play or other choreographers of the ballet. For example, he included brief scenes showing the protagonist's childhood - Juliet as a baby with her nurse, mischievous young Romeo at lessons with Friar Lawrence. North's Romeo and Juliet was of necessity a chamber production, and the focus was on how all the characters influence the ultimate tragedy.' [Fifty Contemporary Choreographers, edited by Martha Bremser and Lorna Sanders, p.179]

Please note this is a copy of the raw capture of the original analogue video for preservation and as such may display defects such as dropout, washed out colour and sound fluctuation.

Credits: [Choreographer: Robert North
Music: Sergei Prokofiev
Designer: Andrew Storer

Juliet: Mia Johannson
Romeo: Adam Cooper]

Shotlist: Act One: 00.07-54.49

Act Two: 55.01-01.26.26

Act Three: 01.27.06-02.01.23

Curtain call: 02.01.45-02.03.54