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1940 | bw | silent
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Reference number: 10907

Date: 1939 - 1942

Production company: p. Edinburgh University Department of Agriculture Production

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 44.37 mins

Description: Educational film demonstrating methods and machinery used in the cultivation of many crops including cabbage, celery, leeks and onions.

Shotlist: Title & ocs. The coastal belt to the east of Edinburgh has an equable climate and is noted for vegetable production Raised beaches provided light soils suitable for continuous cropping and winter cultivation man kicks up soil and runs through fingers Fishing and mining villages provide women workers landscape beach, factory? in b/ground; harbour; pit head & housing. In winter the unoccupied land is manured and ploughed gvs collecting dung, women dunging field, man ploughing, then knocks roots together. Ploughing with two furrow plough drawn by tractor. Gvs horse drawn ploughing. But every day cabbages, leeks, sprouts and artichokes are cut or dug as required gvs women gather same, sprouts in snowy field; delivering filled sacks to cart. Man cuts down artichokes, women gathers into sack at waist March and April are the principle months for planting and sowing gvs man spreads powder using horse drawn hopper; harrowing. Two men pull rakes across furrows Autumn-sown cabbage and sprout plants are lifted from beds and then dibbled out gvs same Beans are sown by hand gvs work party of women planting beans, c/u same Peas may be sown like this- plough; man pushing hopper along rows; filling hopper; harrowing or the job may be mechanised International T6 crawler tractor draws weighted harrow over field; tractor draws adapted hopper Other crops are sown with a drill c/u man adjusts drill size; pushing horse drawn hopper with guide arm The growing season brings a renewal of the struggle against weeds women weed field on knees, c/u weeding task; wheel hoe?; work party hoeing rows in a group; horse drawn weeder. In a few weeks spring-sown crops have to be singled. The destruction of weeds is continued women hand weeding on knees, c/u weeding. Group of three men pushing wheel hoes? down rows; pan work party weeding. Group of five men hoeing. Gvs two horses pull weeders, c/u same. C/u using sacking to cover hand while weeding Other weeds are killed by spraying gvs man using hand pumped sprayer, wearing reservoir on back In June and July spring-sown varieties of cabbage, celery and leeks have to be planted out The ground is prepared and then marked for planting ploughing and cultivating soil; marking rows using a rake?; marking rows using horse drawn implement. Women planting cabbage; bringing baskets of seedlings from nursery, dropping celery into row; c/u man planting celery. Gvs collecting leeks from greenhouse. Pair of men fork between rows; young man planting? leeks. C/u bunches of onion? plants are cut, shoots and roots; c/u box, JW Scarlett, Inveresk; ls woman packs bag at waist with plants. Women planting onions? Fertiliser may be applied as a top dressing Man broadcasts fertiliser; boy leads pony, older man wheeling hopper behind; c/u line of fertiliser beside leeks. Ls group of women drop powder along row by hand; work party drop fertiliser on individual cabbages; c/u handfuls of fertiliser next to cabbage Drill cultivations and cleaning operations are continued until the crops meet in the drills men pushing wheel hoes; horse drawn weeder; work party hoeing; horse drawn weeder; women hoeing cabbages; weeding of various types including horse drawn wing share between rows Throughout the season the mature vegetables are cut or pulled for market Green onions are pulled, weighed and bunched gvs same; tied up and loaded onto cart Spinach is cut and packed gvs same, into crates lined with brown paper Early turnips are tied in bunches gvs same Lettuces are cut and packed in boxes gvs same Cabbages are cut and bagged gvs same Early beetroot is pulled and bunched or packed in crates gvs same Broad beans are pulled and bagged gvs same Successive sowing of peas are pulled when the pods are filled c/u flowering peas; work party pull peas into pail; man sews up sacks In July-August "spring" cabbages are sown in beds for planting out in September horse drawn cultivator, roller; c/u seedlings Celery is cultivated, then blanched, and marketed from September onwards gvs horsedrawn weeder; men fit galvanised tubes over celery plants; packing celery. In autumn the maincrop beetroot is lifted and stored in pits for winter use women load cart with bags, men construct clamp using boards, sacking hay & soil. The produce goes by road or rail to all parts of Scotland loading lorry with full crates; loading cart in field, cart arrives at station; c/u LMS 13T wagon, "Glasgow" in chalk When winter has passed- heavy rain falling on tarmac, horse & cart run through puddle; water on field; snow falling -Spring work starts again c/u bees on cherry blossom; lamb in shoulder bag; man pushing horse drawn hopper. THE END