EXCLUSIVE TO LA SCALA ... Funeral of Firemaster Alex Girdwood

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Title: EXCLUSIVE TO LA SCALA ... Funeral of Firemaster Alex Girdwood

Reference number: 0561E

Date: 1937

Sponsor: [ La Scala Cinema, Paisley]

Production company: Scottish Films (?)

Sound: silent

Original format: 35mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 11.00 mins

Description: Funeral of Firemaster Alex Girdwood, at Hawkhead Cemetary, Paisley.

Original nitrate found in the la Scala, Paisley.

See also ref. 1071

Credits: Exclusive to La Scala and Kelburne Cinemas, Paisley

Shotlist: [Continued from previous sequence ref. 0561D]

Credits (6.31); Cortege leaving fire station with full honours. Shots of same escorted by firemen and fire vehicles (7.06); On the way to Hawkhead Cemetary. Shots of the cortege in the streets, going past Paisley Abbey. Vehicles and mourners enter the cemetery. The coffin is lowered into grave (9.54); A few of the wreaths sent by sympathisers. Shot of fireman's helmet made of flowers (10.30); End credits (10.38).