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Reference number: 0536

Date: 1972

Production company: Border Television

Sound: sound

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 3 mins

Description: Neil Armstrong swears the oath of allegiance and is granted the freedom of the burgh of Langholm.

16mm duped sections of original news footage from Border Television.

Shotlist: No credits. Shots of pipe band in the streets of Langholm. Neil Armstrong and his wife, accompanied by the Provost and civic officials, stand to attention for the American national anthem. Shots of the party as they are driven through the burgh streets in an open landau carriage. They arrive at parish church (.57); Shots inside the church as Armstrong swears oath of allegiance and is granted the freedom of the burgh. He signs the Burgess Roll. Shots of Neil Armstrong as he addresses the congregation (2.26); Shots of the party outside the church. Armstrong signs autographs and walks through the crowds (3.04); ecs (3.07)