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Reference number: 8023

Date: 1994

Director: d. Simon Fildes

Sponsor: Scottish Film Council and Scottish Television under the First Reels Programme

Producer: Simon Fildes and Mandy Wren

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: fiction

Running time: 15.00 mins

Description: An exploration of silence, love and loss. Learning to live without the half that made you whole, and face oneself as an individual, face the letting go. The loss of a father, a mother, a sister, a brother, a friend or a lover, this piece is less about the people left behind or even those suddenly taken from us. Rather, it is about the imprint of silence remaining that fades imperceptively. A reminder of the human spirit that was once there, connected to trailing threads once held close. The 'and' suspended in time and space like a bridge to nowhere incomprehensible and surreal yet a universal experience. [synopsis by Simon Fildes, 1994]

Note this video is mute (intentionally). Simon Fildes is an expert in the field of video dance, and currently a researcher / lecturer at the School of Media Arts and Imaging, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design.

First Reels - a joint short film initiative from Scottish Screen (and its predecessor body the Scottish Film Council) and Scottish Television. First Reels was launched during 1991 by Scottish Film Council in response to a perceived need for small grants to help young and first time film-makers to make or complete their first film or video project. Scottish Television came in as co-sponsor at an early stage and as well as contributing to half the funds they have given the scheme a tremendous public relations boost by running three half hour documentaries showing excerpts from the First Reels. Applicants were invited to submit projects in any format and on any subject they chose. All entries were considered by a jury and thirty five projects were given grants varying from £50 to £2000. On show at the GFT are a representative selection of the best of the films and videos supported by the scheme. [Editorial from Scottish Film Council held in paper archives]

Credits: devised and realised Simon Fildes

Acting by Fred Parsons, Leslie Stark, John MacIsaac, Roseanne Erskine, Kim Tebble, Jamie Barton, Grace Mangan, Neil Oram, Veronica Leer, Dolina McLennan, Pamela Stark, Ele Alba Erskine, Anne Louise Ross, Carloyn Barton, Morag Barton, David Doyle, Shonagh Price

Thanks to Peter Ross, Aneta Kleinteich, Jessie Millard, Margaret Drysdale, Eddie Ross, Alan & Enid Braddock

Invaluable assitance Pat Lovett Agency, Railtyrack ISO Edinburgh, Finiflex, Irene Napier, Mhairi Fraser, The Actors Agency, Waverley Station, Philip Pinsky, Fred Parsons, Digital Facilities Ltd.

This video was made in association with the Scottish Film Council and Scottish Television under the First Reels Programme 1994