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Title: early trick filmS

Reference number: 6096

Date: 1895 - 1912

Sponsor: BFI

Sound: silent

Original format: 35mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: fiction

Running time: 9.20 mins

Description: Compilation of early trick films using various techniques 'to make the fantastic appear real'. Intertitles occur throughout.

Compilation from original archival titles preserved by National film & Television Archive.

Shotlist: Rolling intertitle explanation of early trick films 'to make the fantastic appear real' (0.48)THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT [early example of reversed motion] boy knocks over girl's toy castle (1.28) UPSIDE DOWN or THE HUMAN FLIES inverted picture, people apparantly walking on ceiling (2.19) BRAHMIN AND BUTTERFLY Georges Melies film featuring snakecharmer who turns snake into human butterfly who in turn, turns him into snake (3.57) THE MOTORIST early R W Paul film with use of models, policeman unsuccessfully chasing car which drives along clouds and up in the sky (6.05) THE MAGIC SCREEN continental trick film with dissolves and stop motion photography (7.42) excerpt from Italian film of 1912 DANTE'S INFERNO with trick devil and imagery (9.20)