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Reference number: 5639

Date: 1955*

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 8.49 mins

Description: The wedding of Douglas Lewis to Muriel Marshall, filmed by the bride's father Mr Frank Marshall.
[Note: Does not depict the church wedding service itself, but rather the moments before and after].

Shotlist: [shotlist retimed from speed corrected copy, manual control track]

Title. (0.20) gvs wedding guests admiring the wedding presents laid out on a table [nearly every item in the room is a gift] (2.46) wedding guests arrive at church on wedding day (4.27) three bridesmaids exit the Marshall's house, followed by Mrs Marshall and bride Muriel Marshall (5.15) bride and entourage arrive at church (6.09) Friday 27th April Douglas Lewis to Muriel Marshall by Rev. W. J. Towart and Rev. J. Adamson Finlay in Giffnock South Church (6.21) bride and bridegroom, bridesmaids and family members exit from church and pose in a group for camera; married couple leave in a black cab (10.39) cuts to shot from a subsequent day, in which Muriel and Douglas pull up in a small sports car outside family house; the couple are greeted by family members; Douglas carries Muriel over the threshhold [her grandmother taps Muriel on the head with a bag?] (11.19) Nairn helps Douglas in with the suitcases (11.25) int. house gvs at the table at lunch (12.05) The End (12.15)