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Reference number: 4514

Date: 1975*

Director: filmed by Mr Tom Urie

Sound: sound

Original format: std. 8mm

Colour: bwcol

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 25.00 mins

Description: The operation of Colville's Lanarkshire Steelworks. The whole steelmaking process is followed, principally in the casting shop. There are also some close-ups of the power supply engine.

Film shot by Tom Urie, Assistant Melting Shop Manager, Lanarkshire Steel Works, without specific knowledge of the directors of the company. See donor's notes on processes shown held in Additional Information, and film refs. 4513 and 1036.

Shotlist: Ext. of Lanarkshire Steelworks. Gvs in casting shop of large pipes and funnels. [B/W]. Metal carried from truckers to a large pile near the furnace. Gv of a forklift truck operating near the furnace. [Col] C/u of all the incoming dials - one is for Ravenscraig. C/u of various sections of equipment. Gv of the furnace and the works floor. [Col]. Men taking a section of hot metal out of the furnace. C/u of the furnace int. Man taking a section of hot metal out of the furnace. C/u of the furnace. Man taking a sample out from one of the hot pieces of steel. Gv of the flames and white hot sparks from various pieces of equipment. Metal flowing like lava through the works. C/u of the liquid steel as it is poured into casts. [B/W] C/u of men working at the furnace. [Col] Liquid steel is poured out of a ladle and cascades down into smaller buckets. C/u of men sampling the steel. [B/W]. Small blocks of steel are shaped by passing them through rollers. [Col]. C/u of the engine that supplies power for the steelworks. [B/W] C/u of shaping the small billets of steel. [Col] Gv's of the engine room. [B/W] Gv of the billet of steel being sliced. [Col]. The End. T U. D8L. (25 mins)