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1937 | bw | silent
1937 | bw | silent
1938 | bw | silent
1936 | bw | silent
1938 | bw | sound

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Title: domestic science AS A CAREER

Reference number: 2766

Date: 1936 - 1938c

Director: d. J.C. Elder

Production company: Elder-Dalrymple Production

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 16.21 mins

Description: Students at work on the various courses available at the Glasgow and West of Scotland College of domestic science.

Credits: ph. J.C. Elder
assistant Isabel Elder

Shotlist: REEL 1
Credits (0.13) intertitle (0.36) ext. gvs Glasgow and West of Scotland College of domestic science with female students entering building (0.50) girls with the necessary educational qualifications may take a Diploma course which qualifies them to become teachers of domestic science. (1.01) gvs students learning in the college kitchen (1.24) others wishing less scholastic courses can obtain certificates in particular subjects such as - housewifery, cookery, institutional laundry work, institutional cookery, institutional management fitting them for many professional appointments such as - Institutional Work Housekeepers Laundresses Kitchen Superintendants (1.46) gvs students preparing food (2.08) Welfare Work or Staff Supervision: Matrons, Wardens (1.12) gvs student on wardens' course (2.31) Public catering: Restaurant / Hotel manageresses (2.33) gvs hotel reception work (3.00) intertitle explaining the structure of the courses (3.17) Cookery (3.21) gvs students learning to truss a chicken (3.54) Laundry work (3.57) gvs students ironing (4.18) Housewifery (4.22) gvs students learning to use vacuum cleaners, set the table and household accounts (4.56) Household accounts (4.59) gvs at a lecture on this (5.27) Needlework (5.32) gvs practical classes on this subject (6.13) Household repairs (6.16) gvs learning to fix taps and fuses (7.05) Hygiene (7.07) students in class being instructed using a model heart (7.29) First aid and sick nursing (7.35) gvs students carrying out artificial respiration and learning how to change a sick patient's bed (8.33) blank (8.49) Crafts (8.52) gvs women basket making, leather working, sewing, weaving at loom. (9.12) In addition to these subjects the DIPLOMA students attend science classes dealing with - chemistry (9.23) gvs students conducting experiments in chemistry lab; c/u frying egg over bunsen, measuring fried egg with ruler (10.13) Dietetics (10.16) ls nutrition lecture in front of pie chart and sample foods (10.31) ints lab class women preparing "Reducing" and "Diabetic" dishes (11.16) Electricity (11.19) gvs class studying electricity; c/u girl examining wiring in an electric kettle (11.50) There are specialised certificate classes dealing with - institutional cookery (11.56) gvs students at work in a large kitchen (12.35) Institutional laundry (12.36) gvs at a large laundry (12.56) Institutional bookkeeping (12.59) gvs at a lecture on this (13.33) Dressmaking and tailoring (13.35) gvs at a ladies tailoring class - lecture and practical work (14.25) Millinery (14.28) gvs at a hat-making class (14.57) Upholstery (15.01) gvs at such a class (15.18) intertitle explaining lengths of courses and awards given. (15.32) ms students' graduation and award presentation in hall, intercut with smiling audience of students applauding (16.21) And so they leave to take up the many interesting careers opened to them. The End (16.21)